Saturday, August 20, 2011

Little Fishes Galore

Between a hardware store (tubs), the weekend walking street (fish), two pet stores (still more fish), the flower market (water plants), and a water lily store (seriously, just water lilies), we have assembled a makeshift pond on our porch.

It was a lovely weekend project, involving many, many motorbike trips. Our pond is surrounded by multiple potted plants, including a five-foot tall papyrus, and contains roughly sixty fish. Or did, we’ve been having a big fish die off, but that will hopefully clear up.

The water lilies open up to the occasional spot of sunlight. Tiny fish flicker and shimmer, tails and fins iridescent and black, darting in and out of plants. We already have baby fish in black, gray, and orange. And, we’re thinking of adding a turtle pond as well. It has made our porch feel like the relaxing post-school haven that it should be.