Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Like a Velcro Snowball, Picking up Fuzzy New Mexicans One at a Time

Recently there have been a record number of New Mexicans in Thailand. Truthfully, we were more than a little bit responsible for the phenomenon.

Yes, it’s true that we invited and encouraged Jenny and Ansel to purchase plane tickets and venture across the wide ocean, even going so far as to offer up our spare bedroom. And yes, we did plan a comprehensive itinerary that resulted in the intersecting of many New Mexican lives and the intoxication that ensued.

And, we must admit, it was us who thought of Mr. Bradley Opatz when we heard of an opening at the university, way off in the jungle and covered with monkeys, where our friends work. However, it isn’t our fault that he fits in so well or likes it so much. Although, we did know in advance that “Bladley is so lubley”. We should have seen it coming. Kop.

However, we accept no responsibility for Mikal Davis’ presence in Thailand. But since he chased us all over the place, always a day behind our travels, we might as well drink a beer or two with him. And I’m sure when we were in Bali and Java with him, we might have said he was welcome to stop by, but there’s no hard evidence that the conversation ever took place.

And Jacqueline mentioned that she wanted a job, we can’t help it that we ambushed her with a job, a place to stay, and a surrogate Thai mother. We didn’t know she wasn’t expecting to start right away despite the semester being more than half over. But yes, when you bring it up, it is because of Win and me meddling that she (newly-dubbed Jackrin) is staying here.

It was a big ol’ New Mexico party in Thailand, complete with beer, Bangkok, and several touristy day trips. Considering our success the New Mexican import business, we are thinking it may be a lucrative side job.